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Throughout this blog there are hidden different Sock Monkeys. Find them all and send us your answer, you will be able to win a fantastic and unique prize.

But... be careful with how many monkeys you count because even if it doesn't seem like that, they move from one day to another.
Good luck!

PS: the monkeys that you can find on the testimonies of the web are not part of this game, so, don't count them.

mono sin fondo 3.png

We will se... Good luck!

Would you be capable of answering correctly this scientific and complicated questions?
Which is brighter?
On which planet would you have your second residence?
Which one is your ideal pet?
Choose wisely:
Why do you run fast in the rain, if it rains in front too?
If you could have one, what would your super-power be?
The ingredients for your perfect pizza are: (Choose wisely, if not, we will not be able to be friends)
Tell us little flower, how much did you like our incredible survey?Tell us little flower, how much did you like our incredible survey?

Wow .... seriously, I wasn't expecting that, mind-blowing ... a 10

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